How Massage Therapy Partnered with Chiropractic Care in Richmond can Speed Recovery

How Massage Therapy Partnered with Chiropractic Care in Richmond can Speed Recovery

Seeking treatment from a Richmond chiropractor to address back pain or encourage healing as part of a recovery solution requires consideration for the treatments a professional recommends. At the Advanced Wellness Centre in Richmond, VA, we offer treatment based on your specific needs. In some situations, we may use a combination of massage and chiropractic care to address your health concerns.

woman receiving massage therapy

Chiropractic Care in Richmond VA Options

Chiropractic care in Richmond VA focuses on the health of your back, spine and body. A chiropractor in Richmond works on aligning your spine and neck for optimal function and health. We may also use spinal decompression to address specific problems leading to neck and back pain concerns.

Massage in Richmond

Massage treatments recognize that a variety of complications may relate to the muscles in your body. By combining massage therapy with chiropractic care, you reduce pain and address the underlying cause of your discomfort. Massage and chiropractic care are complementary treatments. By using massage, you reduce the tension and stiffness in the muscles. That gives a chiropractor in Richmond the ability to adjust the neck and spine.

Working on Back Pain Solutions

The goal of treatment is addressing physical discomfort and pain. When you have back pain, you want to work with professionals who understand the challenges of healing from an injury or an accident. We use a combination of treatments based on your specific needs. During treatment, we provide the care you need to heal and recover. By working with massage and chiropractic treatments, we speed up recovery and help your body heal without using harsh medications or taking unnecessary risks with your body.

Contact Your Richmond Chiropractor Today

Healing after an accident or an injury to your back or neck seems complicated. Since you may have concerns about the healing process, you want to work with experienced professionals who use complementary solutions for long-term health and well-being. To learn more about our treatment process or to set up an appointment to see a Richmond chiropractor in our clinic, call us today.

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