Common Questions about Neck Pain Relief

Common Questions about Neck Pain Relief from Advanced Wellness Centre

Neck pain is one of the most common reasons why people visit the doctor. There are a number of treatment options that doctors might use to help someone who is suffering from neck pain. The team from Advanced Wellness Centre is here to make sure that everyone in the Richmond, VA area has access to a trained chiropractor. There are a number of common questions that we hear in our office.

Frequently Asked Questions about Neck Pain

Some of the common questions that we hear at Advanced Wellness Centre with regards to neck pain include:

Why is my neck hurting?

This is one of the most common questions we hear. Some of the most common causes of neck pain include whiplash, a herniated disc, a postural issue, or a tight muscle.

What are my treatment options from a chiropractor?

Some of the most common treatment options that we employ at the Advanced Wellness Centre include spinal adjustments, manipulations, and even spinal decompression. We will discuss all of these treatment options with you before any decisions are made.

Do I need surgery for my neck pain?

This depends on the reason for the neck pain. At the Advanced Wellness Centre, we will do everything we can to prevent you from requiring a surgical procedure. Some people need surgery for their neck pain while others do not.

Are there any side effects of chiropractic neck pain relief?

Fortunately, the side effects of the techniques that we use at the Advanced Wellness Centre are minimal. This allows people to recover more quickly and completely than other treatment options used.

Trust the Team from Advanced Wellness Centre in Richmond

Anyone who would like to learn more about neck pain relief from a trained chiropractor should call the Advanced Wellness Centre in Richmond, VA today at           

(804) 673-9355. We are here to provide comprehensive care to all of our patients. We will take the time to understand your needs on an individual basis and help you recover in an efficient manner. Call us today to schedule an appointment!

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