Benefits of Massage: Part 2

In my last post, we discussed some of the mental and hormonal benefits of touch in general. Now let’s look at one of its more specific effects: Mobility and range of motion.

Adequate joint and soft tissue mobility is a vital component of movement and wellness. Coordinated and easy movement through a functional range of motion should be our goal to avoid (and rehabilitate) an injury. If we can’t get *into* a particular position, it’s difficult to be coordinated in it. So mobility has to come first within a movement improvement hierarchy.

Manual therapy, as performed by massage therapists (soft tissue release, hands-on stretching, joint stretching) can be a fantastic and relaxing means of achieving your full range of motion, allowing you to exercise and learn to stabilize your joints in that new range of motion.

In addition, research has also born out the idea that manual therapy (myofascial release, soft tissue therapy, etc.) is helpful in improving range of motion in the ankles, hips, shoulders, neck, and even the jaw. Basically, we are talking about
head-to-toe benefits! 

Also, here at Advanced Wellness Centre in Richmond/Carytown, we focus on clinical work and we tend to be outcome focused. This means that you can often experience for yourself an increase in joint range of motion with your own eyes (and nerves) in a single session! Set up a session with one of our trained and licensed therapists today.

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