How Massage Therapy Will Complement Your Chiropractic Care

Pain from injuries or chronic conditions can make your day-to-day life challenging. A natural and non-invasive solution to your pain problem could be chiropractic care. The skilled chiropractors at Advanced Wellness Centre in Richmond, VA, may recommend massage therapy to go along with spinal adjustments and other treatments to accelerate healing and enhance comfort after injuries or chronic issues. Discover how massage therapy aligns perfectly with chiropractic care to support musculoskeletal wellness and pain relief.

Enhancing Body Awareness Through Massage

Clients undergoing chiropractic treatment tend to have one or more areas of concern, such as back pain or neck stiffness. Patients may also have compensatory patterns and tension develop in surrounding musculature. Massage therapy helps bring awareness to these secondary tight spots that could undermine progress if left unchanged. Your Richmond, VA, chiropractor can adjust care if necessary for comprehensive relief. The massage therapist will also communicate with your chiropractor on their findings from the massage to maximize the collaborative treatment plan. For example, your chiropractor may recommend pre-adjustment warming modalities before joint manipulation if you have muscle spasms. Doing this eases your muscles into a more flexible state for joint manipulation.

Increasing Circulation Is Critical for Healing

The massage techniques selected by your chiropractor work to increase blood flow to distressed regions. Fresh circulation delivers vital oxygen and nutrients your tissues need to heal while flushing away accumulated metabolic waste. Circulation catalyzes recovery and eases the inflammation that drives pain. Rhythmic stroking motions may also facilitate drainage of swollen joints or nerve impingements. Your flexibility can be restored as a wide range of motion returns to restricted areas through mindful work sustained for enough duration. Yoga-like stretching at the end of the session further increases your range of motion.

Resetting Muscle Memory for Lasting Results

When muscles stay contracted and tense for extended periods due to underlying skeletal dysfunction or nerve involvement, they typically memorize these shortened positions. Massage therapy helps reset your muscle memory and allows chiropractic adjustments to better hold. This approach means faster progress toward correct restructuring and alignment. Continuing self-care through at-home stretching and building core stability with targeted exercise cements positive tissue re-education for the long haul.

See Your Richmond, VA, Chiropractor Near You for Massage Therapy Today

Pain from injuries and chronic conditions can be debilitating and make your daily life challenging, so contact Advanced Wellness Centre in Richmond, VA, to experience multi-faceted care through massage and chiropractic wellness services. Our integrated methods help patients resolve acute injuries, chronic arthritis, sciatica, and fibromyalgia. Call us and schedule a consultation today at (804) 673-9355.

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