National Headache Awareness Month

June in National Headache Awareness Month. During the month we will be posting some rather fabulous articles to help inform you of the many reasons why we get get headaches and the myriad of drug free options that are available to us to deal with this "oh so common" part of modern life.

While we all have moments of stress that contribute greatly to the onset of headaches we also have more control by our actions as to how to avoid them altogether. Diet, exercise, massage, physical therapy, acupuncture and regular spinal adjustments are the best ways to combat what life is throwing you - and in a drug free direction.  

Join the conversation and discuss your successes and experiences with eliminating headaches. It's time we discussed how often they interfere with our lives. Let's inform ourselves with solutions and the knowledge that we do not have to "settle" for a head that hurts.

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